
Smithsonian Institution

Updating a brand with 1 billion annual impressions is no small task. We worked with the Smithsonian Institution to bring their visual identity up to speed with new communication forms that weren’t prevalent when the logo was first designed. From creating a logo design system to writing a comprehensive brand guide, we brought new ideas to life with the goal of making a flexible and enduring brand for years to come.

Updating a brand with 1 billion annual impressions is no small task. We worked with the Smithsonian Institution to bring their visual identity up to speed with new communication forms that weren’t prevalent when the logo was first designed. From creating a logo design system to writing a comprehensive brand guide, we brought new ideas to life with the goal of making a flexible and enduring brand for years to come.


Art Direction
Public Speaking
Web design
Web Development

Creative Director

Gabe Kosowitz


Greg Fisk

Project Manager

Jessica Sadeq

Web Dev

Sean Burles

Motion Design

Bobby Spero


New Proportions

One of the biggest changes was the newly added margin around the sun. The visual tension where the sun touched the sky was making the logomark difficult to see. Adding just a little margin allowed the sun to shine and made the logomark easier to recognize when treated small. It was also a strategic choice to remove the word "institution" from the primary logo lockup.

Several studies were done in order to arrive at the conclusion that logomark recognition was at 2-3% without the inclusion of the word Smithsonian.

New Proportions

One of the biggest changes was the newly added margin around the sun. The visual tension where the sun touched the sky was making the logomark difficult to see. Adding just a little margin allowed the sun to shine and made the logomark easier to recognize when treated small. It was also a strategic choice to remove the word "institution" from the primary logo lockup.

Several studies were done in order to arrive at the conclusion that logomark recognition was at 2-3% without the inclusion of the word Smithsonian.


Co-branding Initiative

To promote brand recognition across the institution, I worked to develop a visual solution around co-branding. This new set of rules was created to help promote cohesion. Co-branding firmly establishes the Smithsonian as part of every museum brand by marrying the Smithsonian and museum brand together in a minimal way.

Co-branding Initiative

To promote brand recognition across the institution, I worked to develop a visual solution around co-branding. This new set of rules was created to help promote cohesion. Co-branding firmly establishes the Smithsonian as part of every museum brand by marrying the Smithsonian and museum brand together in a minimal way.


New Website

In order to spread knowledge about the new brand, I worked to design and develop The new website was designed to be 100% accessible and responsive. It is an important resource that allows users to easily access anything related to big brand Smithsonian.

New Website

In order to spread knowledge about the new brand, I worked to design and develop The new website was designed to be 100% accessible and responsive. It is an important resource that allows users to easily access anything related to big brand Smithsonian.



Google I/O 2023art direction, web

i Phone 143D, animation

Beyond Meat Brand Refreshart direction, branding

Resilience Muralenvironmental

Smithsonian 175branding, motion

Smithsonianbrand identity, typography, web design

Spin Controlbrand identity

Extend the Cyphertypography, motion graphics

Break Tapesillustration, web design, typography

Creative Theorybrand identity, environmental, web design

Google Careers on Airbrand identity, illustration, motion graphics

Launchbrand identity, typography

King of Whattypography

Humanity Muralenvironmental, typography


For inquiries and information

© 2024 Fisk Studio

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